Player Statistics: Men 2024-25

35 matches used here. Data last updated: 22-Oct-2024


Statistic Explanation
Block % Block kills as a percentage of opposition attacks (excluding attack errors)
CAR % Counterattack rate (percentage of opposition attacks on which a counterattack was made. Only opposition attacks on which there was a defensive opportunity are included - i.e. not block kills or invasions, and not attack errors or attacks that were recycled back to the attacking team)

Blocks are individual block kills. 5th sets count as 0.6 of a set for the purposes of per-set calculations.

Minimum 15 serves included here.


Statistic Explanation
Jump serve % Percentage of serves by this player that were jump serves
N aces Number of serve aces
Serve efficiency (number of aces + number of serves rated positive - number of errors - number of serves rated negative) / (number of serves)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the serving team when this player was serving
Expected point win % The expected point win percentage based on the server's serve ratings and the dataset-wide win percentage by rating. For example, 'negative' serves might correspond to a dataset-wide point win of 30%, and 'ace' to 100%. If a given server had one 'negative' serve and one ace, their expected point win % would be 65%

Minimum 15 receptions included here.


Statistic Explanation
Reception efficiency (number of receptions rated perfect or positive - number of errors - number of overpasses) / (number of receptions)
Perfect/positive % Percentage of receptions rated good or perfect
Sideout % Percentage of points won by the receiving team when this player received the serve
Expected sideout % The expected sideout percentage based on the receiver's pass ratings and the dataset-wide sideout % by rating. For example, 'perfect' receptions might correspond to a dataset-wide sideout % of 70%, and 'poor' to 40%. If a given receiver had one 'perfect' reception and one 'poor' one, their expected sideout % would be 55%

Minimum 15 attacks included here.


Statistic Explanation
N kills Number of attack kills
Attack efficiency (number of kills - number of blocks - number of errors) / (number of attacks)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the attacking team when this player attacked (at any time during the point)
First attack kill % Percentage of reception attacks that were kills
Blocked % Percentage of attacks that were blocked (block kill)

Blockers who were front row for a minimum of 20 opposition attacks (that were not errors) included here.


Statistic Explanation
N opp. attacks Total number of opposition attacks (that were not errors) while this blocker was front row
N blocks Block kills by this blocker
Block kill % Block kills by this blocker as a percentage of the number of non-error opposition attacks while this blocker was front row
Rallies won % Percentage of points won by blocking team while this blocker was front row
Opp. kill % Opposition attack kill percentage while this blocker was front row
BP% R#+ Percentage of points won by the blocking team while serving and this blocker was front row, and opposition reception was positive or perfect

This is not an official Bundesliga product. The statistics reported here are generated from scouted match files and might differ from the official statistics.

The data files were provided by Michael Mattes.

See our list of other competition leaderboards, and for more volleyball analytics see the Science Untangled apps.

Data last updated: 22-Oct-2024

Player Statistics: Mens Finals 2023-24

21 matches used here. Data last updated: 10-Jul-2024


Statistic Explanation
Block % Block kills as a percentage of opposition attacks (excluding attack errors)
CAR % Counterattack rate (percentage of opposition attacks on which a counterattack was made. Only opposition attacks on which there was a defensive opportunity are included - i.e. not block kills or invasions, and not attack errors or attacks that were recycled back to the attacking team)

Blocks are individual block kills. 5th sets count as 0.6 of a set for the purposes of per-set calculations.

Minimum 15 serves included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
Jump serve % Percentage of serves by this player that were jump serves
N aces Number of serve aces
Serve efficiency (number of aces + number of serves rated positive - number of errors - number of serves rated negative) / (number of serves)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the serving team when this player was serving
Expected point win % The expected point win percentage based on the server's serve ratings and the dataset-wide win percentage by rating. For example, 'negative' serves might correspond to a dataset-wide point win of 30%, and 'ace' to 100%. If a given server had one 'negative' serve and one ace, their expected point win % would be 65%

Minimum 15 receptions included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
Reception efficiency (number of receptions rated perfect or positive - number of errors - number of overpasses) / (number of receptions)
Perfect/positive % Percentage of receptions rated good or perfect
Sideout % Percentage of points won by the receiving team when this player received the serve
Expected sideout % The expected sideout percentage based on the receiver's pass ratings and the dataset-wide sideout % by rating. For example, 'perfect' receptions might correspond to a dataset-wide sideout % of 70%, and 'poor' to 40%. If a given receiver had one 'perfect' reception and one 'poor' one, their expected sideout % would be 55%

Minimum 15 attacks included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
N kills Number of attack kills
Attack efficiency (number of kills - number of blocks - number of errors) / (number of attacks)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the attacking team when this player attacked (at any time during the point)
First attack kill % Percentage of reception attacks that were kills
Blocked % Percentage of attacks that were blocked (block kill)

Blockers who were front row for a minimum of 20 opposition attacks (that were not errors) included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
N opp. attacks Total number of opposition attacks (that were not errors) while this blocker was front row
N blocks Block kills by this blocker
Block kill % Block kills by this blocker as a percentage of the number of non-error opposition attacks while this blocker was front row
Rallies won % Percentage of points won by blocking team while this blocker was front row
Opp. kill % Opposition attack kill percentage while this blocker was front row
BP% R#+ Percentage of points won by the blocking team while serving and this blocker was front row, and opposition reception was positive or perfect

This is not an official Bundesliga product. The statistics reported here are generated from scouted match files and might differ from the official statistics.

The data files were provided by Michael Mattes.

See our list of other competition leaderboards, and for more volleyball analytics see the Science Untangled apps.

Data last updated: 10-Jul-2024

Player Statistics: Men 2023-24

132 matches used here. Data last updated: 10-Jul-2024


Statistic Explanation
Block % Block kills as a percentage of opposition attacks (excluding attack errors)
CAR % Counterattack rate (percentage of opposition attacks on which a counterattack was made. Only opposition attacks on which there was a defensive opportunity are included - i.e. not block kills or invasions, and not attack errors or attacks that were recycled back to the attacking team)

Blocks are individual block kills. 5th sets count as 0.6 of a set for the purposes of per-set calculations.

Minimum 15 serves included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
Jump serve % Percentage of serves by this player that were jump serves
N aces Number of serve aces
Serve efficiency (number of aces + number of serves rated positive - number of errors - number of serves rated negative) / (number of serves)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the serving team when this player was serving
Expected point win % The expected point win percentage based on the server's serve ratings and the dataset-wide win percentage by rating. For example, 'negative' serves might correspond to a dataset-wide point win of 30%, and 'ace' to 100%. If a given server had one 'negative' serve and one ace, their expected point win % would be 65%

Minimum 15 receptions included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
Reception efficiency (number of receptions rated perfect or positive - number of errors - number of overpasses) / (number of receptions)
Perfect/positive % Percentage of receptions rated good or perfect
Sideout % Percentage of points won by the receiving team when this player received the serve
Expected sideout % The expected sideout percentage based on the receiver's pass ratings and the dataset-wide sideout % by rating. For example, 'perfect' receptions might correspond to a dataset-wide sideout % of 70%, and 'poor' to 40%. If a given receiver had one 'perfect' reception and one 'poor' one, their expected sideout % would be 55%

Minimum 15 attacks included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
N kills Number of attack kills
Attack efficiency (number of kills - number of blocks - number of errors) / (number of attacks)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the attacking team when this player attacked (at any time during the point)
First attack kill % Percentage of reception attacks that were kills
Blocked % Percentage of attacks that were blocked (block kill)

Blockers who were front row for a minimum of 20 opposition attacks (that were not errors) included for the "All rounds" table.


Statistic Explanation
N opp. attacks Total number of opposition attacks (that were not errors) while this blocker was front row
N blocks Block kills by this blocker
Block kill % Block kills by this blocker as a percentage of the number of non-error opposition attacks while this blocker was front row
Rallies won % Percentage of points won by blocking team while this blocker was front row
Opp. kill % Opposition attack kill percentage while this blocker was front row
BP% R#+ Percentage of points won by the blocking team while serving and this blocker was front row, and opposition reception was positive or perfect

This is not an official Bundesliga product. The statistics reported here are generated from scouted match files and might differ from the official statistics.

The data files were provided by Michael Mattes.

See our list of other competition leaderboards, and for more volleyball analytics see the Science Untangled apps.

Data last updated: 10-Jul-2024

Player Statistics: Men 2022-23

119 matches used here. Data last updated: 01-Oct-2023


Statistic Explanation
Block % Block kills as a percentage of opposition attacks (excluding attack errors)
CAR % Counterattack rate (percentage of opposition attacks on which a counterattack was made. Only opposition attacks on which there was a defensive opportunity are included - i.e. not block kills or invasions, and not attack errors or attacks that were recycled back to the attacking team)

Blocks are individual block kills. 5th sets count as 0.6 of a set for the purposes of per-set calculations.

Minimum 15 serves included here.


Statistic Explanation
Jump serve % Percentage of serves by this player that were jump serves
N aces Number of serve aces
Serve efficiency (number of aces + number of serves rated positive - number of errors - number of serves rated negative) / (number of serves)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the serving team when this player was serving
Expected point win % The expected point win percentage based on the server's serve ratings and the dataset-wide win percentage by rating. For example, 'negative' serves might correspond to a dataset-wide point win of 30%, and 'ace' to 100%. If a given server had one 'negative' serve and one ace, their expected point win % would be 65%

Minimum 15 receptions included here.


Statistic Explanation
Reception efficiency (number of receptions rated perfect or positive - number of errors - number of overpasses) / (number of receptions)
Perfect/positive % Percentage of receptions rated good or perfect
Sideout % Percentage of points won by the receiving team when this player received the serve
Expected sideout % The expected sideout percentage based on the receiver's pass ratings and the dataset-wide sideout % by rating. For example, 'perfect' receptions might correspond to a dataset-wide sideout % of 70%, and 'poor' to 40%. If a given receiver had one 'perfect' reception and one 'poor' one, their expected sideout % would be 55%

Minimum 15 attacks included here.


Statistic Explanation
N kills Number of attack kills
Attack efficiency (number of kills - number of blocks - number of errors) / (number of attacks)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the attacking team when this player attacked (at any time during the point)
First attack kill % Percentage of reception attacks that were kills
Blocked % Percentage of attacks that were blocked (block kill)

Blockers who were front row for a minimum of 20 opposition attacks (that were not errors) included here.


Statistic Explanation
N opp. attacks Total number of opposition attacks (that were not errors) while this blocker was front row
N blocks Block kills by this blocker
Block kill % Block kills by this blocker as a percentage of the number of non-error opposition attacks while this blocker was front row
Rallies won % Percentage of points won by blocking team while this blocker was front row
Opp. kill % Opposition attack kill percentage while this blocker was front row
BP% R#+ Percentage of points won by the blocking team while serving and this blocker was front row, and opposition reception was positive or perfect

This is not an official Bundesliga product. The statistics reported here are generated from scouted match files and might differ from the official statistics.

The data files were provided by Mark Lebedew.

See our list of other competition leaderboards, and for more volleyball analytics see the Science Untangled apps.

Data last updated: 01-Oct-2023

Player Statistics: Men 2021-22

62 matches used here. Data last updated: 01-Dec-2023


Statistic Explanation
Block % Block kills as a percentage of opposition attacks (excluding attack errors)
CAR % Counterattack rate (percentage of opposition attacks on which a counterattack was made. Only opposition attacks on which there was a defensive opportunity are included - i.e. not block kills or invasions, and not attack errors or attacks that were recycled back to the attacking team)

Blocks are individual block kills. 5th sets count as 0.6 of a set for the purposes of per-set calculations.

Minimum 15 serves included here.


Statistic Explanation
Jump serve % Percentage of serves by this player that were jump serves
N aces Number of serve aces
Serve efficiency (number of aces + number of serves rated positive - number of errors - number of serves rated negative) / (number of serves)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the serving team when this player was serving
Expected point win % The expected point win percentage based on the server's serve ratings and the dataset-wide win percentage by rating. For example, 'negative' serves might correspond to a dataset-wide point win of 30%, and 'ace' to 100%. If a given server had one 'negative' serve and one ace, their expected point win % would be 65%

Minimum 15 receptions included here.


Statistic Explanation
Reception efficiency (number of receptions rated perfect or positive - number of errors - number of overpasses) / (number of receptions)
Perfect/positive % Percentage of receptions rated good or perfect
Sideout % Percentage of points won by the receiving team when this player received the serve
Expected sideout % The expected sideout percentage based on the receiver's pass ratings and the dataset-wide sideout % by rating. For example, 'perfect' receptions might correspond to a dataset-wide sideout % of 70%, and 'poor' to 40%. If a given receiver had one 'perfect' reception and one 'poor' one, their expected sideout % would be 55%

Minimum 15 attacks included here.


Statistic Explanation
N kills Number of attack kills
Attack efficiency (number of kills - number of blocks - number of errors) / (number of attacks)
Point win % Percentage of points won by the attacking team when this player attacked (at any time during the point)
First attack kill % Percentage of reception attacks that were kills
Blocked % Percentage of attacks that were blocked (block kill)

Blockers who were front row for a minimum of 20 opposition attacks (that were not errors) included here.


Statistic Explanation
N opp. attacks Total number of opposition attacks (that were not errors) while this blocker was front row
N blocks Block kills by this blocker
Block kill % Block kills by this blocker as a percentage of the number of non-error opposition attacks while this blocker was front row
Rallies won % Percentage of points won by blocking team while this blocker was front row
Opp. kill % Opposition attack kill percentage while this blocker was front row
BP% R#+ Percentage of points won by the blocking team while serving and this blocker was front row, and opposition reception was positive or perfect

This is not an official Bundesliga product. The statistics reported here are generated from scouted match files and might differ from the official statistics.

The data files were provided by Mark Lebedew.

See our list of other competition leaderboards, and for more volleyball analytics see the Science Untangled apps.

Data last updated: 01-Dec-2023